Community Programs

Always there to help.

Our community programs are thoughtfully designed to help anyone looking to keep their vision health, independence and quality of life in focus. We offer resources, education and assistance to those who need everything from eye exams or early childhood screenings, to transportation and help with staying ahead of lifestyle factors that impact your overall wellness.

Client receiving annual vision exam

Primary Vision Care

We are committed to ensuring ALL patients have access to the highest quality vision care which means that everyone, no matter what your vision condition, should have an annual eye exam.

Child Vision Screening

One in 20 children has an undetected vision deficiency and the earlier we can help families detect these deficiencies, the more we can help do for their eye health, education and vision journey ahead.

child receiving vision screening at school
Woman receiving transportation services to get to a doctor appointment

Transportation Services

Our transportation services will get you there! Having access to a full, happy and healthy life means getting where you need to go. Whether you’re headed to a doctor’s appointment, eye exam, shopping trip or to the bank, our transportation services may be able to help clients with vision loss.

Serving Allegheny and Somerset Counties and through help of the Pennsylvania Association for the Blind, our transportation team can help you get from door to door when you need it the most. There are no financial criteria, but it’s imperative that you schedule in advance and connect with us as a low vision client so we can best assist you.

Allegheny County/Pittsburgh Office: 412-368-4400, Somerset Office: 814-445-1310

Community Transition Program

CTP helps clients with significant disabilities achieve higher independence through vocational and independent-living skills training. This program empowers every client experience victory, no matter level of ability, by instructing on functional, social, community, behavioral and vocational skills. Our specialized team is trained to help everyone of varying abilities reach their optimum potential.

Disabled woman receives independent living skills training
Woman receiving assessment as part of the diabetes prevention program

Diabetes Prevention Program

The Type 2 Could Be You program is provided by the PA Diabetes Prevention and education which we help to host in partnership with the Sight Center of Northwest PA. The goal is to help individuals improve diabetes factors such weight, blood pressure & blood sugar, manage stress and live happier and healthier lives. Participants in this year-long program learn tips, strategies and skills to help meet personal weight loss goals and increase their level of physical activity.

To get started, contact 412-563-4552 or

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