Summer Youth Program

Join in the summer fun.

Come learn, grow, explore, and make new friends at VisAbility Pittsburgh. Our Summer Program is designed specifically to serve students ages 14-21 who are blind or vision impaired looking to explore the world, new experiences and enriched independence.

Summer Youth Program participant exploring the city using her orientation and mobility skills

All Year Long

If you are looking to tap into more youth programming, ask about our Pre-Employment Training Services and Career and Community Adjustment Programs. Sponsored by the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and Bureau of Blindness & Visual Services, these programs help with school-to-work prep for students with vision loss and related disabilities. We are committed to helping our youth community find confidence, independence and success between high school, college and employment.

We have an exciting program planned this year that includes experiences ranging from STEM and Robotics, and Access Technology, to employment skills, and even fun field trips to explore Pittsburgh while putting our Orientation and Mobility talents to work. Take a look at our 2025 programming and sign up today!

Track One

LEARN GROW EXPLORE and DEVELOP with VisAbility Pittsburgh

  • LEARN what is new in the AT world (July 10 and 11, 2023)
    Our staff will teach you useful key stroke tips, introduce you to the latest technology, and answer any of your AT questions.
  • GROW in your independence (July 12, 2023)
    In this class you will learn new techniques that will help you be independent cooking, doing laundry, cleaning, and enjoying your favorite activity.
  • EXPLORE Pittsburgh (July 13, 2023)
    Enhance your O&M skills while exploring buildings, parks, stores, and restaurants in Pittsburgh. After this class, you won’t worry about what you are missing in the city.
  • DEVELOP your employment skills (July 14, 2023)
    During this two day employment class you will learn what types of jobs are available by completing an interest inventory, resume, and participating in a job shadow. Come see what your future holds.

Cost: $1,750 per week or $350 per class

Track Two


Date: July 31st – August 11th, 2023

In this one-of-a-kind two week session, you will work with robotics while learning the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

Cost: $3,500

Reserve Your Spot Today!

Both tracks will be at VisAbility Pittsburgh, located at 1816 Locust Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219.

Classes are Monday – Friday from 9am to 4pm. Lunch will be provided and transportation is not included.

Please contact Elizabeth McKay at 412.368.4051 or to reserve your spot for this exciting summer program.

Come See All That's Possible

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